So, I'm a big fat loser. My surveillance-versary was June 10th! I guess in the midst of not obsessing over my high-risk, I stopped thinking a little too much about it!
Here's the other part I realized: I haven't met a single goal I laid out for myself since my initial meeting with Heather. Not a one. I haven't lost weight. I haven't stopped eating red meat. I didn't start taking vitamins. I didn't change my diet. I didn't drink less . . . well, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, I never did promise that one!
So at the risk of being accused of having a defeatist attitude (again) here is what I have accomplished:
1. I had one Mammogram
2. I had one MRI.
3. I had one Biopsy.
4. I performed at least one self breast exam each month (probably 2 realistically)
6. I tested for the BRCA gene
*these are important because early detection saves lives
7. I told my story.
8. I started going to local FORCE meetings.
9. I met other young, high risk women by telling my story.
10. I finally walked in a breast cancer walk that I raised money for
11. I tried to reach out to my extended family about our risk
12. I had researched enough and learned enough to help my sister begin her journey.
*these are important because many women who are high risk do not know it, or do not know how to proceed
13. I quit smoking (I hope, it's only been a month so I'm afraid to brag).
14. I limited my weekly red meat intake, for the most part:). Hey, I'm a sucker for a cheeseburger!
15. I joined a gym and partake on occasion.
and most importantly . . .
Here's to an even more successful year 2!